I picked up my Brompton from its service earlier - glad to have it back in my possession.

Less than thrilled that they left it in the bike room, unlocked, with the door to the room wedged open. I’m just glad I called by when I did. Otherwise the day could have taken a completely different turn. Bike theft is rampant in London!

I didn’t have my helmet with me, so took my folded bike home on the DLR. But I couldn’t resist unfolding it as soon as I got off and cycling the 500m to the end of the street. It was such a good feeling to be back on the bike and I can’t wait to do some cycling this weekend.

I definitely need to build my confidence after all this time, so I’ll be seeking out some cycle paths and quieter stretches of road in the neighbourhood. Then, it’ll be some early morning trips to the office.

Woo-hoo! 🚴🏼